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    Williams Goes Unavailable As Fellows Gets Banned from X-League

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    I guess that's one way to enforce the rules. 

    Local bowler Brian Fellows took to Facebook yesterday, posting a thread explaining how he had been recently banned from the X-League Bowling Association.  The X-League, which brands itself as the "World's Largest Bowling League," is a travelling bowling league, similar to the Underground Bowling Association (U.B.A.), albeit with a much smaller footprint.  The acting CEO is George Williams. 

    large.417542791_216386741529990_52829518A few weeks ago, Fellows shared an image on social media showing a text message between Williams and an anonymous female (I'm told not a bowler) in which Williams was inviting the female to Ocean Lanes in Lakewood, NJ for what seemed to be an X-League event.  When the female explained that she didn't bowl in it, Williams responded, "I wanna grab your boobs lol."  

    large_16.png.c448786bb1c6984fd6a4126660cYesterday, the Team President for the X-League team that Fellows bowls on received an email stating that Fellows had been banned for violating the Social Media Code of Conduct, which states that, "X-League bowlers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and sportsman-like manner, including social media." The code continues on to say that, "Depending on the severity of the problem, the EBDs have the right to indefinitely suspend any bowler that may be involved. In extreme cases, where a franchise owner is involved, the EBDs have the right to remove the owner and replace them with someone else on that team."

    large_15.png.65deb933ae0a6c77730fd6af815The email also said that "the decision of the board is final, and no appeal can be made," effectively making this a lifetime ban without the possibility of reinstatement.  Upon speaking to the anonymous female, Bowlage.com was told that Williams and her are "not friends" and that, while she was taken aback by the comments, they were made in regards to an earlier, private situation in which a drunken patron of a bowling alley said the same words to her with Williams in attendance and that he was simply making a joke.  

    Be that as it may, Fellows now faces a lifetime ban from all X-League activities and Williams Facebook account appears to have gone missing, with the status now showing as Unavailable.  








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